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Huh? You are an animal with bilateral symmetry. Check how many directions you are able to move.

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Q: Can animals with bilateral symmetry move only in one direction?
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Can outliers affect the symmetry of the data?

an outliers can affect the symmetry of the data because u can still move around it

Which direction does the decimal point move right or left?

It can move in either direction.

How is symmetry related to tessellation?

Tesselation (or tiling) generally implies translational symmetry, because you can generally move one part of a tiling over another a specific distance away and get an exact match (ie the tesselation is periodic). A counterexample (possibly the only one) is Penrose tiling, which is non-periodic. There is certainly no need for a tesselating shape to have either bilateral or rotational symmetry: all triangles and all parallelograms (including squares and rectangles) will tessellate. I'm afraid this is a rather superficial answer to this very interesting question; a deeper one will have to come from someone with a knowledge of group theory.

What are the four kinds of symmetry?

Rotation: move the object around the plane. Each rotation has a center and an angle.Translation: move the object on the plane without rotating or reflecting it. Each translation has a direction and distance.Reflection: mirror image of the object. Always has a mirror line.Glide Reflection: combination of a reflection and translation along the mirror line.

Change is to variable as move is to?


Related questions

What is an evolutionary benefit of bilateral symmetry?

because it helps them to move in all direction

Does a slime have bilateral symmetry radial symmetry or is it asymmetrical?

Slime molds do not have a fixed body shape and therefore do not exhibit bilateral or radial symmetry. They can change shape and move in an amoeba-like manner, giving them asymmetrical characteristics.

Does the amoeba has an anterior end?

Amoebas do not have a distinct anterior end like animals with bilateral symmetry; they have a fluid shape and can move in any direction. They use pseudopods, or temporary extensions of their cell membrane, to move and capture food.

What are disadvantages of bilateral symmetry?

With bilateral symmetry the sensory organs tend to group toward the anterior (front) normally around the head. This means that while you may have more brainpower you may not have the ability to see things behind you or to have the ability to smell by touch. These may not be the coolest abilities but they are interesting and animals with bilateral symmetry don't tend to have them. The sensory organs are not evenly distributed. Also, animals with radial symmetry can reach out on all sides and therefore have a better chance against predators in that sense.

What type of symmetry do nematode have?

I believe that they have this new symmetry, its called quadrosextoupleqincedoral symmetry. It's where you split it into four pieces and move them around till it looks like a unicorn, and then you blink three times and it gives you one wish...Is this a serious question?BILATERAL SYMMETRYthis guy is totally wrong and I bet he actually believes in quadrosextoupleqincedoral symmetry. The body has bilateral symmetry but the head has radial symmetry so it isnt completely bilateral

What are the five common characteristic of animals?

1. eukaryotic 2. can move 3. can't make their own food 4. digests their own food 5. most have bilateral symmetry

Why do most bilateral animals move with the anterior of their body forward?

because of the anatomical characteristic of cephalization.

What way do animals move east or west?

Animals move in any direction that they need to.

What are the five key evolutionary changes in the animal body plan?

The evolution of symmetry, tissues, a body cavity, patterns of embryonic development, and segmentation (repeated body units). Symmetry is found as radial symmetry (halves of the body mirror each other) and bilateral symmetry (symmetric in every direction). Cells differentiate into tissues which allows for specialized structures and functions. The evolution of body cavities allowed for the evolution of organ systems. There are 2 patterns of embryonic development in bilateraly symmetrical animals: protostomes and deuterostomes. Other embryonic development classifications are cleavage patterns (spiral and radial), determinate or indeterminate development, and coelom formation. With segmented animals, each segment has a set of organ systems. This is advantageous because if one segment is damaged, the animal will not die. Segmentation also allows animals to move more effectively since the segments can move fairly independently.

What kind of body symmetry do crayfishes have?

No. All crabs have bilateral symmetry. Bilateral symmetry means the animal has symmetry across one plane (known as the sagittal plane, and directly down the centre of their body), which means one side of their body approximately mirrors the other side.

What characteristic do animals have if they have radial symmetry?

Animals with radial symmetry have body parts arranged around a central axis, such as a circular or cylindrical shape. They often have multiple planes of symmetry, allowing them to be divided into equal halves in multiple ways. Examples include jellyfish and sea anemones.

Different kinds of symmetry make it possible for animals to......?

Move and find food in different ways.