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i really wouldnt trust it or even try to eat it. because of the fact that bacteria could have already settle into it. i dont know how long it takes bacteria to get into something. but if it was for me i would not eat it at all... hope this helps.

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Q: Can chili be eaten if left out for 2 hours?
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* Cooked chili should not be unrefrigerated for any more than 2 hours. Less time is better. After that time frame, the chili should either be reheated or packaged and placed in the refrigerator or freezer. Reheat leftovers to 165°F before consuming. * In a service setting, chili is best done in a crock pot and the hostess can leave it on a low heat (at least 140°F) while guests are there and you will not have to put it into the refrigerator. Once everyone has had enough then, let the chili cool and refrigerate or put into packets and freeze for further use. Cool the chili quickly by using an ice bath or by separating into smaller containers.

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It is not safe to consume raw meat that has been left out for more than 2 hours as it can lead to bacterial contamination and foodborne illness.

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