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Q: Can dominant thoughts be negative and positive?
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Can a positive and a negative a positive?

Yes. O positive is dominant over O negative.

Which is a good example of substituting positive thoughts for negative ones?

Which is a good example of substituting positive thoughts for negative ones?

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How the positive thoughts and feelings can outweigh the negative thoughts and feelings?

Positive thought can only out weigh negative feelings if you think more positively The more you think of something the more power your give too it. So if you focus your mind on positive thoughts, then you can out weigh the negative Why? because what we focus on we bring about.

What effects do positive and negative thoughts have on performance?

Possible thoughts give you more confidence which makes you perform better and negative thoughts make you less confidence which negatively affect you.

What should you do if you are in a state of negative emotions?

If one is in a state of negative emotions, one must flip over from NEP to PEP, from negative energy that is poison to positive energy that is power. We human beings don't realize that our thoughts come from the mind which is a thought factory. It produces thoughts as per the raw material that we feed it. If we feed it negative emotions, negative thoughts will be produced. If we feed it positive emotions, positive thoughts will be produced. Therefore, we should eliminate thoughts like fear, worry, hate, anger, revenge, jealousy, pessimism and we should choose emotions like love, faith, hope, trust, enthusiasm, courage, confidence, optimism, love and forgiveness. These positive emotions will become raw material to produce positive thoughts. And this will make our life positive.

Is it possible for a mother to have a positive blood type and father b positive to have a baby with ab negative?

Yes -- There is not one gene that determines blood type. The father can be heterozygous for the A blood type. This just means that the father has one A gene and one O gene. Since the A gene is dominant, the blood from the father tests as A. A separate gene determines the positive and negative part of the blood grouping. This is the RH factor. Again the father can have one gene that is positive and one that is negative, positive is dominant. Same analysis for the mother, mixed B and O genes with B as dominant, positive and negative for RH factor, positive dominant. The egg from the mother could contain the B and RH negative (50% chance of each). The sperm from the father could contain the A and RH negative. Thus the baby would be AB negative (no positive from either parent).

How do you become successful at anything you do?

Have a goal. write down things that are important. Write down affirmations, basically keep a journal. change thoughts by changing behavior. its good to start off with a consecutive month. keep negative thoughts in check with positive thoughts. whenever a negative thought arises. counter that negative though with several positive thoughts. believe you can do it. and have faith.

When Parents with b positive and o positive blood have baby with o negative blood group?

I'll wait for you to ask the question. Positive parents can have a negative baby as positive is dominant so they may both have one positive and one negative gene and the baby gets the two negative genes.

How can I delete negative thoughts from my mind?

There are two ways to delete negative thoughts from the mind. The first and the best way is to plant positive thoughts...plant positive thoughts by replacing negative emotions with positive emotions, like hate with love, revenge with forgiveness, fear with courage - you replace negative emotions by positive emotions. And the other way of deleting negative thoughts from the mind is to watch the mind, observe the mind, become conscious that you are not the mind, realize that the mind is a monkey, it's a rascal, it's an enemy. When you realize that the mind is your enemy, then you will fight the mind with the intellect. Whenever it produces a negative thought, you will use the intellect to shoot down the negative thought. This way you will be able to overcome the negative mind.

Can a oh positive and a mother that is ab negative have a child that is negative?

If O and positive are both dominant traits than it is possible, but only approximately 25% likely to happen.

How can I remember absolute value?

Think POSITIVE! Absolute value of a number is always positive, so get those negative thoughts out of your head.