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Every whole number be written as a decimal; e.g 2 can be written as 2.00

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Q: Can every Whole Number be written as a decimal?
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What is smaller a decimals or a whole number?

Neither. A for every decimal number (which may itself be a whole number), there is a smaller whole number and for every whole number there is a smaller decimal number.

How do you make a decimal into a whole number?

If every decimal could be made into a whole number, we wouldn't needdecimals at all, and the companies that manufacture the points would beout of business.The reason for wrtiting a number as a decimal is usually that it isn't awhole number, and it can't be written as one.

What is after every whole number?

a decimal point

Does every whole number end with a decimal?


What is at the end of every whole number?

a decimal point

Does every whole number have a decimal at the end?


How is a decimal similar to fractions?

A decimal is similar to a fraction because they are both part of a whole number, not a whole number, just part of one. For example, 0.5 is the same thing as 1/2 , or half. This means both are only half of a whole number.

Can a decimal be a multiple or does a multiple have to be a whole number. So for example is 2.58 a multiple of 10?

It has to be a whole number, or else every number would be a multiple of every other number.

Can every rational number be written as a quotient?

Every number can be written as a quotient.Every rational number can be written as a quotient of whole numbers.

Can Every rational number can be written as a repeating decimal?

no cuz i said no

Can every rational fraction be written as a repeating decimal?

Any rational number is either a repeating decimal, or a terminating decimal.

Is every integer greater than -1 is a whole number?

Any number that is not a fraction, percent, decimal, or negative is a whole number. Counting numbers are whole numbers. Counting numbers are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,... Zero is a whole number. So yes, every integer greater then negative one is a whole number, and so is -1 and every integer less than -1.