Every decimal number can be represented by a binary number - and conversely.
Every whole number be written as a decimal; e.g 2 can be written as 2.00
Neither. A for every decimal number (which may itself be a whole number), there is a smaller whole number and for every whole number there is a smaller decimal number.
That is the definition of a rational number.
Every decimal number can be represented by a binary number - and conversely.
Every whole number be written as a decimal; e.g 2 can be written as 2.00
Neither. A for every decimal number (which may itself be a whole number), there is a smaller whole number and for every whole number there is a smaller decimal number.
a decimal point
That is the definition of a rational number.
No. A rational number is any terminating numeral. A repeating decimal is irrational.
a decimal point
Everywhere. Each and every point on a number line is a fraction and also a decimal.