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Q: Can lines create shapes and patterns and texture in an artwork?
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How does Christopher Marley create his artwork?

He uses photos of bugs (which sometimes he has digitally altered to make more colourful) and arranges them in patterns that bring out the colours and shapes of the bugs. It's basically a digital collage.

What is vagetable printing?

Vegetable printing is a technique where cut vegetables, like potatoes or carrots, are carved into shapes, dipped in ink or paint, and then used to create patterns or designs on paper or fabric. It is a fun and eco-friendly way to create unique and customizable artwork.

How do you create a map legend without coloring it?

You make different patterns of lines or shapes.

What are your point of view about Barbara hanrahans artwork mother and child?

personally my point of view is that the artwork is really nice but needs some colour, i love the use of patterns and shapes that barbara used, i think the artwork shows how much the mum cares about the child

What is texture you only see and called?

The texture that is only seen and not felt is referred to as visual texture. Visual textures are created through patterns, colors, and shapes to give the illusion of different textures, such as rough, smooth, or bumpy.

Why are repetitive geometrical shapes and vegetal patterns used in Islamic art?

to create a sense of contiinous space

Can you create pattern without using texture?


What type of artwork did Sonia Delaunay like to create?

She did a lot of Abstract work using circles and geometric shapes. I think they may have even called it Orphism.

What is the 2 most important components in creating implied texture?

The two most important components in creating implied texture are visual cues that suggest the texture, such as lines, shapes, and patterns, and the viewer's perception and interpretation of those cues to mentally feel the texture without actually being able to touch it.

What was the futurist artwork based on?

The futurist artwork was based on mechanical things,movement,geometric shapes and sometimes horses

What is the combination of sizes and shapes of grains?


What is fabric manipulation?

Fabric manipulation is when you simply create shapes patterns out of fabric, this often makes the fabric more 3D like, not flat.