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Q: Why are shapes important in paintings?
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What elements was not important in cubist paintings?

In cubist paintings, the representation of realistic perspective and proportion was not important. Instead, artists explored presenting multiple viewpoints of an object or figure simultaneously, breaking forms down into geometric shapes and fragments. Color was also considered less vital than the structure and composition of the artwork.

What do scholars think the geometric shapes in the Lascaux cave paintings?

It represents an ancient star chart.

Why did Wayne thiebaud use shapes in his paintings?

I don't know u r stupid

What are paintings done in triangle shape called?

Paintings done in triangle shape are called geometric abstraction. All kinds of geometrical shapes are used in this form of art.

What is the meaning of Robert Delaunay's paintings?

he does big bold shapes overlaping one another ther is no meaning to this

What scholars think the geometric shapes in the Lascaux cave paintings represent?

It represents an ancient star chart.

What do the scholars think the geometric shapes in the Lascaux cave paintings represent?

It represents an ancient star chart.

What three important things did Henri Matisse use in his paintings?

The 3 important things he used in his paintings are color,patterns,and lines.

What type of paintings was the most important during china golden age?

=landscape paintings.=

Why is the group of seven important?

they're important because they where the only painters that didn't paint with people in their paintings also their paintings are stored in the museum (the paintings cot thousands of dollars) also they we're not caring what people say about their paintings and just continued painting the nature.