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Q: Can moral problems be solved in a completely algorithm way by following a fixed sequence of unambiguous logical steps?
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What is an intractable problem in computer limitations and can give the example?

An intractable problem is one for which there is an algorithm that produces a solution - but the algorithm does not produce results in a reasonable amount of time. Intractable problems have a large time complexity. The Travelling Salesman Problem is an example of an intractable problem.

What do you mean by finding a pattern in problem solving strategy?

By finding a pattern the first time you solve a problem, then applying this pattern (algorithm) to solve similar problems.

What are the differences between numerical methods and numerical analysis?

A numerical method is the same as an algorithm, the steps required to solve a numerical problem. Algorithms became very important as computers were increasingly used to solve problems. It was no longer necessary to solve complex mathematical problems with a single closed form equation. See link on algorithm. According to Wikipedia: Numerical analysis is the study of algorithms for the problems of continuous mathematics (as distinguished from discrete mathematics). See link on numerical analysis. An expanded definition offered by K.E. Atkinson is: Numerical analysis is the area of mathematics and computer science that creates, analyzes, and implements algorithms for solving numerically the problems of continuous mathematics. Such problems originate generally from real-world applications of algebra, geometry and calculus, and they involve variables which vary continuously; these problems occur throughout the natural sciences,social sciences, engineering, medicine, and business. Numerical analysis courses typically are offered as part of Industrial engineering (Operations research), applied mathematics, computer science. Simulation, operations research and computer science are very interrelated

How do you do factor fireworks problems in math?

Can somerone please explain how to do a factor fireworks problem? I am completely lost on how they work. I need two different factor fireworks of 64.

When modeling word problems as mathematical equations what is a synonym for the division operation?

Not sure what you mean by "the following"; but one word that is often related to division is "per".

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How do you solve problems of optimal page replacement of algorithm?

plz solve 4201261402357 reference string by optimal page replacement algorithm

What is the definition of standard algorithm?

The definition of "standard algorithm" is that it is a mathematical method used to solve problems such as addition, substraction, division, and multiplication.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of dijkstra scholten algorithm versus bellman-ford algorithm?

The only difference between the two of these algorithm's is the person who invented the steps to solving the problems. The disadvantage to both of these are that they are very complex and hard to solve. The advantage is that using these methods can solve math problems that were unsolvable before this strategy was founded.

Why you study algorithm?

There are so many reasons for a programmer to study algorithm. This will help in proper analysis of problems and coming up with fast solutions that relate to programming.

Which problems can be solved by algorithmic process?

Strange as it may seem, we don't actually use algorithms to solve problems; an algorithm is the end-product of problem-solving. In short, every problem that has a solution already has an algorithm. Moreover, every problem that is known to have no solution has a proof to demonstrate that fact. But problems that have yet to be solved have no known algorithm or proof -- and that's precisely why they remain unsolved (for now).

Who is the inventor of Reverse Delete Algorithm for MST When was this first published?

The Reverse Delete Algorithm for finding the Minimum Spanning Tree was first introduced by Edsger Dijkstra in 1959. He presented this algorithm in his paper titled "A note on two problems in connexion with graphs" which was published in Numerische Mathematik.

What is the difference between P and NP complexity classes?

P is the class of problems for which there is a deterministic polynomial time algorithm which computes a solution to the problem. NP is the class of problems where there is a nondeterministic algorithm which computes a solution to the problem, but no known deterministic polynomial time solution

Need for algorithm?

Analysis of an algorithm means prediction of how fast the algorithm works based on the problem size. It is necesary to analyze an algorithm so that, if we have n no Of algorithms then the fastest and 1 with less time & space complexity can selected. Which will allow and ensure maximum utilization of available resourses.

What are disadvantage of algorithm?

Advantages of an Algorithm: Effective Communication: Since the algorithm is written in English like language, it is simple to understand the step-by-step solutions of the problems. Easy Debugging: Well-designed algorithm makes debugging easy so that we can identify a logical error in the program. Easy and Efficient Coding: An algorithm acts as a blueprint of a program and helps during program development. Independent of Programming Language: An algorithm is independent of programming languages and can be easily coded using any high-level language. Disadvantages of an Algorithm: Developing algorithms for complex problems would be time-consuming and difficult to understand. Understanding complex logic through algorithms can be very difficult.

What is the difference between an algorithm and pseusodocode?

Pseudocode is one method of describing an algorithm. Other methods use diagrams, prose, or maybe even regular programming languages. An algorithm, on the other hand, is a method, a recipe, of solving a particular problem or group of related problems.

What is the role of algorithm in problem solving?

the concept of problem solving problems in algorithms are problem solving in computer, what is the algorithms for solving in problems, what is the rule o algorithms in problem solving, what are the steps to solving a problem with your computer and engineering steps for solving problems

Explain how implicit enumeration is used to solve integer programming problems.?

Implicit enumeration (or "additive algorithm") is used to solve 0/1 LP problems