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Q: Can more than 1 appeal be made at the same time?
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It is how a person looks on the outside. (ie. a garden has more physical appeal than a junkyard.)

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Introduced in 1992, the Heidelberg Appeal is no more than a junk-science scam. See the link below:

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Its the same man.

Why do people ask intercession from the Blessed Virgin Mary and the saints?

I guess it is the same feeling as having a friend in the business. One feels so lowly that they think that it is more effective to appeal to someone lower than God who has more influence than they do.

What is the value of a 1967 Canadian 10 cent coin?

There were so many of these made that they are virtually worth their silver content only. Although if your coin has exceptional eye appeal than it will be worth a bit more. Same rules apply to the grade of the coin. Higher grade = higher price.

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they made Same Mistakes, Everything About You, and i think more than this

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A brick made of lead would weigh more than a brick made of iron of the same size. This is because lead is denser than iron, meaning it has more mass packed into a similar volume.

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Rocks are made of more than 1 substance

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No single religion is better than another. There are many different reasons that a person might practice a specific religion, but the main thing to remember is that religion is very subjective. Christianity will appeal more to some while Judaism will appeal more to others while Islam will appeal more to others, etc.