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Decimals and percents may be converted also.

1.5 = 1 and 1/2 = 3/2 = 150%

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Q: Can only improper fractions be converted to mixed number and viceversa?
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How is a mixed number and an improper fraction similar?

Mixed fractions can be converted into improper fractions then changed back to a mixed number.

What are some examples of improper fractions that can't be converted into a mixed number?

There are none. Any improper fraction can be converted ito a mixed fraction and conversely.

Do all fractions convert to a mixed number?

No. A mixed number is one where there is a whole number and a fraction. If the whole number is 0 there is no whole number and all that remains is the fraction. All improper (top heavy) fractions can be converted to a mixed number.

When dividig fractions what do you change a mixed number into?

You change them into improper or topheavy fractions.

These fractions have a whole number in them?


How are proper and improper fractions different?

proper factions are fractions under a whole number improper fractions are Example: proper: 1/2 improper: 3/2

How is dividing mixed numbers the same as dividing fractions?

A mixed number can be converted into an improper fraction. Mixed numbers as improper fractions can be divided just like any other fraction. To convert a mixed number to an improper fraction multiply the whole number by the denominator and add the original numerator to give the new numerator and put this over the original denominator.

Why decimals greater than 1 become improper fractions when converted?

When you convert a decimal greater than 1 into a fraction its easier to change it into a mixed number first. Then change it into an improper fraction.

How do you do improper fraction improper fractions?

you look at the big number first.

What is the improper fraction of 25 over 36?

There is none. Improper fractions are made from mixed numbers, which is more than the number one. 25 over 36 was not over one to begin with, so it cannot be converted to an improper fraction.

is nine over four proper or improper?

Proper fractions have a numerator (top number) that is smaller than it's denominator (lower number). Improper fractions are the opposite, so 9/4 is improper.

How do you simply improper fractions?

convert into a mixed number.