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== == A less confusing answer..... My mother just sneezed 12 times in a was hilarious! Yes, they sure can.the number of sneeze varies person to person specially nose to nose. Well, a 12-year-old British girl named Donna Griffiths holds the record for sneezing for 978 days in a row. So, yes, you can sneeze much more than three times in a row.

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Q: Can people sneeze more than three times in a row?
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What does it mean when u sNeeze more than once?

They say that when you sneeze three times straight, you're boyfriend/girlfriend is cheating on you. However, I'm not sure, but that's what they say.

Why do some people sneeze louder than others?

Some people get more dust and dirt in their noses and it makes them sneeze louder.

Is sneezing hereditary?

no,we actually sneeze because everyone on earth has a slight dust allergy,or a major dust allergy,those with average will sneeze no more than usual,aand people with large will sneeze more than usual,and people with very small will rarely sneeze,however this is very rare.

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three times

What does sneezing 3 times mean?

Just means you normally sneeze more than once

Why do people usually sneeze more than once in a row?

They have allergys or they are high on something

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No more than three times

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No, many more times over the millennia that people have used arithmetic.

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it is more than 2011 by three times!

What is a generic parser?

It Is an... Achoo! Ecuse me! It is an animal that has 10 or more legs and makes people sneeze.

What does times more mean?

Three times more is NOT defined as "triple". Rather it is "triple more". Three times MORE than 4 is NOT 12. Three times AS MUCH as 4 is 12. Three times MORE than 4 is 12 more than 4, which is 16.

Why do you sneeze more than once?

You sneeze more than once because the first sneeze wasn't enough to clear your nose. You keep sneezing until whatever was irritating your nose is blown out.