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At absolute zero nothing survives. That is why global warming is so vital.

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Q: Can plants survive without heat
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Can plants survive without heat energy?

At absolute zero nothing survives. That is why global warming is so vital.

Can plants survive without light?

Some plants like mushrooms and fungi can survive without sunlight.

How does sunlight affect the ability of plants to survive?

Without sunlight, plants can not survive.

Why can green plants survive but mammals could not survive without green plants?

mammals cant survived without green plants because that is their food and that how they live without green plants they will die.

What role does nitrogen play to ensure the continuity of life?

nitrogen is the main nutrient for plants without it plants cant survive without plants herbivorous animals cant survive without them carnivorous animals cant survive without either of them omnivorous animals cant survive

Can we survive without plants?

No, we cannot survive without plants for long Reasons:- 1.Plants give us oxygen to breathe 2. Plants are the basic producers of energy(food). no.

Will animals survive without the sun?

No. Without sunlight plants will wither and die, leaving no food for animals to eat. More importantly, there will be no source of heat, and Earth will freeze.

Why lily plant cannot survive without water?

There are no plants nor animals that can survive without water.

Can we survive without plants for sustenance and oxygen?

No, humans cannot survive without plants for sustenance and oxygen. Plants provide oxygen through photosynthesis and are a crucial part of the food chain.

Does the sun affect earth?

Yes! Without the sun we would not be able to survive. It grows our plants and gives us heat. THE SUN IS VERY IMPORTANT.

Why won't cold blooded animals survive without heat energy?

Cold blooded animals cannot survive without heat energy because heat energy is necessary for their survival.

Will warm blooded animals survive without heat energy?

They would not survive.