some people are good with numbers then words They use opposite sides of the brain. Left for maths and right for language.
Pick a math major.
Sure. Just make sure you get all the answers right.
You can't be good a everything.
Have you heard of left brain-right brain? Left-brain thinkers are (usually) good at mathematics because they are logical, rational, analytic, etc., which are aspects of math. Right brain thinkers are (usually) good at English because they are more social, linguistic, see the big picture, and are half the time religious, which are aspects of English class. Left brain is to math, like Right brain is to English. Look up MBTI on google to see your personality type. I am an INTJ - Introversion, iNtuitive, Thinking, Judgmental. It is because of this I excel in math, but I don't like English.
Right-brained students often excel in subjects that involve creativity, imagination, and holistic thinking, such as art, music, drama, and creative writing. They may also perform well in subjects that require a strong ability to visualize and think spatially, such as geometry or design.
NO. The left side of the brain is believed to be expert at language, numbers, critical thinking, logic and reasoning. So if you are good in math, it is most likely that you are also good in writing. It is more appropriate to say that Engineering is for people who are interested in Math and they are left-brained people.
Yes...and no. Most left brained people are very logical and analytical which can lead one to believe that the 49% left brained population of the world tends to be better at more logical subjects.
Being right-brained typically refers to having a preference for creative and artistic thinking, as opposed to the left-brained preference for analytical and logical thinking. Right-brained individuals are often described as imaginative, intuitive, and emotionally expressive.
Yes, in fact it is almost a prerequisite. It takes considerable imagination to solve problems in both math and science. Good mathematicians and scientists both require both halves of their minds. Some people use only half their brains, and thus limit their ability to fully appreciate even "right" brained stuff like music, art, and literature. A good book on art and science is, "Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid."
Left brained people are usually good at math and sciences. So if you are good at math you should do well with science and engineering. The key here though is that you study. Just because it's easier for you to understand the concepts in math and science doesn't mean you don't have to do the work necessary to achieve good grades.
For the personality testing, they look for people who are very serious and "left-brained". The math testing is mostly trigonometry and there are about 60 questions. Good luck!
People who are left-brained tend to think in a more logical and analytical manner, so they may be more inclined to believe in the concept of left versus right brained individuals. However, the idea that people are strictly one type or the other is a misconception, as the brain is a highly complex organ with both hemispheres working together to perform various functions.
The advantages of being right brained are : you're probably better at recognizing faces, you're more creative, you're good at expressing emotions, reading emotions, and other abilities are music, color, images, and intuition.
peanut butter is good
No, this just means you are more left-brained than right. The left part of your brain is more logical and better with math, where the right part of your brain is creative and very good with writing and art. There's nothing wrong with you, so don't be ashamed. Maybe study different writing styles.