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some people are good with numbers then words

They use opposite sides of the brain. Left for maths and right for language.

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Q: Why is it that some people who are good at math bad at English?
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Why are some people good at English class but bad at math class?

Every body's mind works differently. People good at English are good at understanding how words work. People who are good at math are good at understanding how numbers work and logical ways they affect each other.

Why is it that some people are good at math but bad at essay writing?

Math is: you get problems, you solve them. English is: you get a topic, and you write anything you want, as long as it pertains to the topic. They are obviously not the same thing, so you will have people who are bad at English, who just happen to be good at Math.

Why students who are good in math are not good in English?

Because of the way the brain works, some people are good at both, and some are good at one but not the other

Why are some people great at math but bad at English writing?

It's just the way your brain works. Some people are good at art, others get music, others get math. It can't really be changed.

Why are people who are experts at math terrible at programming and vice versa?

Not necessarily, in fact, being good at math helps you calculate things in programming. You just need some practice and really good math and English skills

Why is it that some people who are good at math and science bad at English and humanities classes?

genetics, DNA, jenes. all that stuff

Is English harder than math?

For some people, yes, for some no.

Why is it that some people who are good at math bad at English and vice versa?

It may have something to do with the makeup of ones brain, but I think it is more a matter of interest. Some people like reading stories and become interested in how writers work and so become good at English. Others like solving puzzles and figuring ow things works but do not like to read stories for fun - thee people are ofter better at math than at English.

Why is it that some people who are good at math are bad at programming?

You can't be good a everything.

Why are some people good at science but bad at math?

That's hard to believe, unless it's conceptual science, then people need to be good at math to learn science

What is a good name for a math game I am creating a game that people throw the balls into the cups and do the math problems in the cups. Some any good names for the game?

Math Frenzy is a good name also Math Ball

Why is it that some people who are good at math have bad writing skills?

Given these two characteristics, there are four possibilities: Some people are good at math and have bad writing skills. Some people are good at math and have good writing skills. Some people are bad at math and have good writing skills. Some people are bad at math and have bad writing skills. Leaving aside what it means to be "good" or "bad" at these disciplines, it is likely that these groups of people have varying amounts of genetic predisposition for success at these aptitudes and their environments provided varying amounts of support or resistance to help them fulfill their levels of achievement. If you're suggesting a causal relationship, that to be "good" at one necessarily implies being "bad" at another, I don't think such generalizations are useful.