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Q: Can someone have more than one buttcheek?
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What does more than sex mean?

More than one partner. It means that someone is interested in someone else for more reasons than just sex.

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More than one hypocrisy. Which means that someone is two-faced about more than one thing.

What do you call someone who speaks more than one language?

A person who speaks more than one language is called a polyglot.

Can someone have more than one growth spurt?

i think you can.

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You cannot catch more than one Mewtwo. The only way to have more than one is through trading with someone else with the game.

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An interloper is someone who is an intruder, or outsider.

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Michael Ford.

How does one give title to someone holding more than one doctorate?

Having more than one degree does not change the title. You would still address them as Doctor Smith.