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Q: Can taking HCG drops increase your chances of conceiving twins?
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Related questions

What are the specific directions for taking HCG Diet Drops?

You can find directions to taking the hcg diet drops are You generally apply 2-4 drops under your tongue.

What do Afa's Drops do in Fire Emblem?

Afa's Drops increase the character's growth rate by 5, pernamently.

Can you use mogu rune of fate re-rolls to gain extra chances at secrets of the empire drops?

As far as I can tell from the other re-roll tokens; no, you can't gain extra chances at the legendary item drops from Mists of Pandaria bosses.

What about a platelet of 30000 is it dangerous?

yes it is...there is a chances of bleeding if it further drops to the level below 20000

What are the directions for taking HCG diet drops?

You can take the HCG diet drops directly in your mouth. You can also mix them in with a beverage.

What are the directions for taking HCG Liquid Diet Drops?

The best way to find out about these drops is at the official website. This can be found at

Where is the tome arcuz?

it is random i believe from monster drops. You cant buy them, and you cant improve your chances of finding them

How does pressure change when you increase elevation?

Pressure drops as you go up.

Can you take flagyl while taking hcg diet drops?


Why does the mirror in the bathroom has drops of water after taking a hot shower?

It is called condensation.

How do you stop a cold?

by sitting in bed all day and taking cold drops

Does cough drops have side effects?

basically the same effect as taking acid