tae ni tintin
You can always convert a fraction to a decimal. For some fractions, you'll get terminating decimals. For example, 1/8 = 0.125. For other fractions, you get repeating decimals, such as 1/7 = 0.142857 142857 142857...To convert the fraction to a decimal, just divide the numerator by the denominator, for example on a calculator.
They are called rational numbers
There are infinitely many fractions which must be represented by non-terminating decimals, not just one.
terminating decimals repeating decimals
All terminating decimals can be written as fractions.
That they can be converted into fractions
tae ni tintin
Of course all the decimals have fractions except those with non-recurring and non-terminating decimals.
fractions or decimals
No, no repeating decimal is irrational. All repeating decimals can be converted to fractions. They are, however, non-terminating.
You can always convert a fraction to a decimal. For some fractions, you'll get terminating decimals. For example, 1/8 = 0.125. For other fractions, you get repeating decimals, such as 1/7 = 0.142857 142857 142857...To convert the fraction to a decimal, just divide the numerator by the denominator, for example on a calculator.
Terminating decimals are decimals that end, such as, 2.384. Non-terminating decimals that don't end, such as, 0.3333333333.......
Yes; it can be written as 3/1000. In general, both terminating and periodic decimals are rational numbers.Yes; it can be written as 3/1000. In general, both terminating and periodic decimals are rational numbers.Yes; it can be written as 3/1000. In general, both terminating and periodic decimals are rational numbers.Yes; it can be written as 3/1000. In general, both terminating and periodic decimals are rational numbers.
They are called rational numbers
There are infinitely many fractions which must be represented by non-terminating decimals, not just one.