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Yes and the straight line could be parallel to the x or y axes

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Q: Can the graph of a function have an undefined slope?
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Why is the slope of a graph x equals k where k is some constant undefined?

The Slope is Undefined, the line is vertical

Can the graph of a linear functions have undefined slope?

Yes. For example, the lines x=7, x=-1, and x=145 all have an undefined slope; they are all vertical.

What does an undefined graph look like?

An graph with an undefined region has a gap somewhere, where the function at that point is not valid. Usually there is a disjoint or a disconnect between the lines of the graph.

Is a line with undefined slope the graph of a function?

This is not a function. To be a function, there must be a one to one relationship between the independent variable (usually represented by the horizontal or x axis) and the dependent variable (usually represented by the vertical or y axis). A line with undefined slope is a vertical line, so there are an infinite number of possibilities for y and only one possible value of x, so this is not a function.

How does the graph of an exponential function differ from the graph of a linear function and how is the rate of change different?

The graph of a linear function is a line with a constant slope. The graph of an exponential function is a curve with a non-constant slope. The slope of a given curve at a specified point is the derivative evaluated at that point.

Is the first derivative of a function is a constant then its graph is?

A line. The derivative of a function is its slope. If the slope is a constant then the graph is a line.

What is a derivative graph?

A derivative graph tracks the slope of a function.

Do undefined slopes have a slope?

An undefined slope is just a line straight down. The slope is undefined.

How do you graph the slope of a function?

For example, if the slope at a certain point is 1.5, you can draw a line that goes through the specified point, with that slope. The line would represent the slope at that point. If you want to graph the slope at ALL POINTS, take the derivative of the function, and graph the derivative. The derivative shows the slope of a function at all points.

What is the definition of undefined slope?

the difinition of undefined slope

What does no slope look like on a graph?

An horizontal line . A line parallel with the x-axis. NB A vertical line / a slope parallel with the y-axis is described as 'undefined'.

Graph the line passing through the point -2 4 with slope undefined?

If the slope is undefined, then its a vertical line (up and down) .So draw a vertical line (up and down) that goes through -2 on the x-axis.