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Q: Can the money be taken out of the 457 plan before retirements?
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Can a judgment be taken from your 529 plan?

Yes, a judgment can be taken from a 529 plan to satisfy debts or legal obligations. However, the rules governing withdrawals from a 529 plan vary by state, so it's important to consult with a qualified financial advisor or attorney before taking any action.

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Lincoln's reconstruction plan was about bring the Union back together. It set up the steps that needed to be taken before a state was given general amnesty.

Do you agree that a business plan is a waste of time and money?

A business plan is an important part of starting a business. Without a business plan, you will be unprepared when things don't work out, causing you to lose money or even your business. Most loan companies require a business plan before they wil approve you for a loan.

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Can you borrow against money from your pension plan?

What exactly is it to plan a trip?

You can plan a trip many different ways. It is very beneficial to you and your family to plan a trip is you are going out of town or to a place you have never been before. It helps you save money as well as time.

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What is the retirement money for computer engingeers?

Money received after retirement is completely dependent on the type of retirement plan the company that you retired from has. Also investments, such as IRAs, should be taken into account when calculating your monthly income after retirement.