Using budgeting, you can plan what money you have and where it will be spent. You can moderate where money can be spent and can provide bonuses if things go particularly. Also budgeting can motivate staff as it can be used for assessing performance in a department and measuring there success.
for budgeting evryday 4 daily consumption.
no advantages no advantages
Consumer math is important so that individuals can do their budgeting, taxes and investing.
"What is the advantages of using micrometer?
what are the advantages and disadvantages of line item budgeting
Some of the advantages of incremental budgeting are that this type of budgeting is easy and quick. Some disadvantages of incremental budgeting are that different methods for achieving the objective may not be considered and if the budget is not fully spent it can be reduced during the next period.
Bottom-up budgeting as applied to project management has advantages. It ensures the resources are getting to the people actually doing the work of the project.
what are the advantages and disadvantages of line item budgeting
When it comes to planning programming and budgeting systems, there is one major advantage over alternative methods. That is the ability to integrate long range planning, execution, and budgeting for any system.
What are the disadvantages of ppbs
Provided you stay within your monthly call allowance - you should pay a fixed amount each month. This makes budgeting easier.
A budget gives you an idea of where you can spend or invest and how much. Working out estimates inline with available resources and the benchmark of the firm
advantages= you get to have fun doing it :}
what does the process of budgeting encompass? what does the process of budgeting encompass?
budgeting that's rational