No. The set of whole numbers does not include negative numbers. There are 11 integers in that range.
Yes, if you are averaging numbers that include negative numbers.
Yes, negative numbers can be in a fraction. Fractions can have negative numerators or negative denominators, or both. For example, -1/2, 3/-4, and -5/-7 are fractions that include negative numbers.
They would be the negative numbers since whole numbers include 0 and positive numbers but not negative numbers unlike the integer group. So simply think of 8 integers that are negative.
The answer depends on the domain. If the domain is non-negative real numbers, then the range is the whole of the real numbers. If the domain is the whole of the real numbers (or the complex plane) , the range is the complex plane.
No. The set of whole numbers does not include negative numbers. There are 11 integers in that range.
Yes. In general, real numbers include negative numbers; they also include numbers that have decimals.
Yes, if you are averaging numbers that include negative numbers.
It will still perform the calculation. The SUM function can deal with positive and negative numbers and it will deal with negative numbers correctly. So there will be no problems or errors if there are negative numbers amongst the numbers in the range of cells that it is calculating.
It is false. It does not include negative fractional numbers.
Yes, real numbers include both positive and negative numbers. They also include whole numbers and fractional numbers, as well as irrational numbers (numbers that can't be expressed as the ratio of two whole numbers).
Yes. Real numbers include positive and negative numbers, integers and fractions, rational and irrational numbers.
They would be the negative numbers since whole numbers include 0 and positive numbers but not negative numbers unlike the integer group. So simply think of 8 integers that are negative.
Yes, negative numbers can be in a fraction. Fractions can have negative numerators or negative denominators, or both. For example, -1/2, 3/-4, and -5/-7 are fractions that include negative numbers.
No, and they do not include negative numbers, either.
Yes. ...-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3... are all whole numbers. Whole numbers are any numbers that aren't a fraction and that includes negative numbers.
The domain and range are (0, infinity).Both the domain and the range are all non-negative real numbers.