Yes. ...-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3... are all whole numbers. Whole numbers are any numbers that aren't a fraction and that includes negative numbers.
Yes, real numbers include both positive and negative numbers. They also include whole numbers and fractional numbers, as well as irrational numbers (numbers that can't be expressed as the ratio of two whole numbers).
No. You can subtract two whole numbers and get a negative result. Whole numbers can't be negative.
Yes. Alternative answer: No, -1 is not a whole number. The whole numbers are 0 and the positive integers, but do not include negative integers.
Positive and negative whole numbers and zero are integers. Zero is neither negative or positive.
Whole numbers can be positive or negative numbers. Numbers are whole as long as they have no fractins or decimals with them.
Actually the set of integers is the same as the set of whole numbers since the whole numbers include negative whole numbers and zero.
Yes, real numbers include both positive and negative numbers. They also include whole numbers and fractional numbers, as well as irrational numbers (numbers that can't be expressed as the ratio of two whole numbers).
Any negative integer. Whole numbers are 0, 1, 2, 3, ... Whole numbers do not include negative integers.
They would be the negative numbers since whole numbers include 0 and positive numbers but not negative numbers unlike the integer group. So simply think of 8 integers that are negative.
They would be the negative numbers since whole numbers include 0 and positive numbers but not negative numbers unlike the integer group. So simply think of 8 integers that are negative.
"Counting numbers" are specifically restricted to positive numbers - sometimes including zero. Whole numbers include negative whole numbers.
No. The set of whole numbers does not include negative numbers. There are 11 integers in that range.
Natural numbers are sometimes defined to include zero, sometimes not. Equivalent terms therefore may include: positive integers, non-negative integers, whole numbers, positive whole numbers ("whole number" is ambiguous; some take it to include negative numbers, some not).
Any negative integer. Whole numbers are 0, 1, 2, 3, ... Whole numbers do not include negative integers.
No. Whole numbers are counting numbers and zero.
What you need to know about integers is that integers is the name for the group of numbers that include whole numbers and negative numbers. But integers DO NOT include fractions.
Integers include negative numbers.