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Q: Can the sides 4 5 and square root of 41 create a right triangle?
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How many sides on a right triangle plus two squares?

3 sides on a right triangle (on any triangle)+ two squares3 (triangle)+ 4 (one square)+ 4 (one square)-----------------------11i'm sorry if this is wrong and i misread the question

Does a right-angled triangle have any equal sides?

A right-angled triangle can have equal sides, but does not have to. A right-angled triangle with two equal sides CANNOT be an equilateral triangle. A right-angled triangle cannot be an equilateral triangle.Divide a square along the diagonal, and you are left with two right-angled triangles with two sides of equal length.

How do you solve to find a right triangle of you are given three sides?

Square the two smaller sides and add them together. Take the square root of the answer. If that is the same as the third side then you have a right angled triangle and if not, then you have not.

What if the sum of the squares of the sides of a right triangle is not equal to the square of the hypotenuse?

then the triangle is not a right trangle and has angles that are not 90 degrees.

What type of triangle has two equal sides and a right angle?

An Isosceles right triangle. If the length of either of the two sides is N then the hypotenuse is N times the square root of 2. an isosceles right triangle can not be an equilateral triangle since the hypotenuse can not be the same size as the other two sides..

How many rectangles make up a square triangle?

No such thing as a 'square triangle'!!!! A Square has four sides , a triangle has three sides .

Are all the sides of a right triangle perpendicular?

If you have a triangle then one of the sides cannot be perpendicular to the other two. It is true for a square but it is impossible with a triangle. Definition of perpendicular: Being at right angles to the horizontal; vertical.

What are the measurements of the sides of a right triangle?

(The square of the shortest one) + (the square of the medium one) = (the square of the longest one)

Are right triangles squares?

No because a square fas 4 sides whereas a triangle has 3 sides

Is A triangle with sides of lengths 12 15 and 20 a right triangle?

No. Pythagoras' theorem states that when the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides then it is a right-angled triangle. The hypotenuse is the longest side (opposite the supposed right angle). In this case the hypotenuse is 20. The square of 20 is 400. The other two sides are 12 and 15. The square of 12 is 144 and the square of 15 is 225. The sum is therefore 225 + 144 = 369, which is not equal to 400, therefore the triangle cannot be a right-angled triangle.

Are adjacent sides perpindicular?

Sometimes as in a square, rectangle or a right angle triangle

How can you determine whether a triangle is a right triangle if you only know the lengths of the sides?

If it is a right angled triangle it will conform to Pythagoras' Theorm: The square of the hypotenuse = the sum of the squares on the other two sides. The hypotenuse would be the longest side, so add the two shorter sides squared together and if this equals the longest side squared then the triangle is a right angle triangle.