If you're adding an odd number of numbers, if two are even and one is odd, you will get an odd number as a result. Three odds are odd. If two are odd and one is even, you have an even result. Three evens are even.
The sum of two odd numbers is an even number.
No odd number of odd numbers can sum to an even number.
There can be no number with an odd sum of 8 because 8 is not odd!
The sum of one odd number and one even number is another odd number.
An odd number.
No. Sum of odd + odd = even Sum of odd + even = odd Sum of even + even = even
The sum of an odd number and an even number is an odd number.
No. The sum of any odd number of odd numbers will be an odd number.
The sum of two odd numbers is an even number.
The sum of two odd numbers or two even numbers is an even number. The sum of an odd number and an even number is an odd number.
No odd number of odd numbers can sum to an even number.
There can be no number with an odd sum of 8 because 8 is not odd!
The sum of one odd number and one even number is another odd number.
Two odd numbers always sum to an even number. Always. Two even numbers always sum to an even number, and an odd number and an even number always sum to an odd number.
An odd number.