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Yes, a positive integer and its negative have the same absolute value. For example, +5 and -5 have the same absolute value.

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Q: Can two integers have the same absolute value?
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Can two integers can have the same absolute value?

Yes, a positive integer and its negative have the same absolute value. For example, +5 and -5 have the same absolute value.

Is two integers that are opposites have the same absolute value?


What are the two numbers of 3 that have the same number as their absolute value?

this is integers. the answer is do your homework by yourself..

How many integers have an absolute value of 15?

Two. +15 and -15 are the only integers with an absolute value of 15.

Do two integers that have the same absolute value have to be the same?

No.They must have the same numeral, but can have opposite signs. So, for example, the numbers 5 and -5 are clearly not the same, but the absolute value of either number is 5.

How many integers have a absolute value of 10?

Two of them.

What are the two rules for adding integers?

If the signs are the same, add the absolute values and keep the sign. If the signs are different, subtract the lesser absolute value from the greater absolute value and keep the sign of the number with the greater absolute value.

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When adding 2 integers will the answer be positive?

When adding two integers, the answer will be positive if both integers are positive, or if one is negative but its absolute value is smaller than the absolute value of the positive integer.

12 is the absolute value of what two integers?

-12 and 12

How many integers are there whose absolute value equals five?

There are two integers +5 and -5

What is the rule for adding integers and rational numbers with the same sign?

The value of the answer is the sum of the absolute values of the numbers and the sign of the answer is the same as that of the two numbers.