Converting cubic centimeters (cc) to horsepower is not a direct conversion as they are units measuring different things. Cubic centimeters measure volume, while horsepower measures power. However, you can calculate the horsepower of an engine if you know its torque and rotational speed using the formula: Horsepower = (Torque x RPM) / 5252. So, without additional information, it is not possible to directly convert 1200 cc to horsepower.
A cubic centimetre and a millilitre are equivalent measures. So 1200 ml = 1200 cc.
You cannot. Cubic centimetres are a measure of volume and I can have a jug containing 190 cc of water. A horsepower is a measure of energy and there is no specific energy in the 190 cc of water (other than that givem by Einstein's e = mc2) and in that case, I could replace the water by 190 cc of air - different mass so different energy. The point is, you cannot convert.
1,200 cc is about 5.07 cups.
You can't convert cc/min to cc/lbs.
In order to convert watts to CC, you will first need to convert both types of units into horsepower as this conversion is not direct. Before making the conversion, it is helpful to note that 700 watts is equal to 1 horsepower.
HP does not directly relate to cc
A convert cc has 350 horsepower
Horsepower does not convert to cc: ci or cubic inches does. Horsepower is a measurement of work, cc and ci are measurements of volume
There is NO way to do that.
To convert watts to horsepower, divide the wattage by 746. So, 1200 watts is roughly equivalent to 1.61 horsepower.
You need to know the cubic inch not hp to convert to cc.
far too much lol
cc stands for cubic centimeter. It is a measure for volume(as in the space in each cylinder). horsepower is a measure of the output of the moter. those to things do not convert
Anywhere between 50 and 70 depending on a cc's and bucket list of toiletries.
Anywhere between 50 and 70 depending on a cc's and bucket list of toiletries.
An engines cubic capacity cannot be converted, mathematically, to horsepower without a host of other information..