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technactly no, not legally any way...but if somone is just movin from say Oklahoma to Texas then they could be considered to be llving in both states but not for long after the person moved.....i hope that answed you question :D

Scooby Doody Doo

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Q: Can you be a resident in more than one state at one time?
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If i am a resident in one state and work temporarily in another state do i have to get a driver's license in both?

It is illegal to hold more than one license at a time. Keep the one from your permanent residence unless your employer requires you to do something else.

What makes you a resident of a state?

when u inhabit a dwelling in the state and intend to remain in the state of a length of time

What state were more presidents an official resident of when they were elected?

New York - eight presidents were resident there at time of election Van Buren, Fillmore, Arthur, Cleveland, T Roosevelt, FD Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Nixon.

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There is no US state that officially spans more than 1 time zone.

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Yes, there are. You are not to have more than 1 wife at a time.

How long do you reside in state before you have to pay inheritance tax?

There is no time frame. If you are a resident of the state when you inherit, you pay the inheritance tax per the state laws.

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Per state (as far as TN goes) the earliest you can get a resident up is 5 am. Any other time it is only because the resident is climbing out of bed.

What is the mailing time for letters from state to state?

Letter generally do not take more than a week to be mailed from state to state. The time period may be shorter if the states are close together.

If you move to a state and turn over your old license for that state's license does that make you a legal resident of that state?

No, and in many states you need to have other proof that your are a resident before you can obtain a license. For certain state requirements, say in-state tuition, there may be a residency requirement, but you are a resident of the state that you live in (most of the time). The driver's license can be used as evidence of that residency, but may not be conclusive, depending upon which agency rules you are required to follow.

Are you subject to Colorado State income tax if you live in Colorado part-time while being a resident of Texas which has no state income tax?


Can you be a notary in more than one state?

If a resident of New York has an official Pennsylvania document on which their signature must be notarized AND they are in New York at the time, the New York Notary CAN notarize the form. Just because it is a Pennsylvania form does not mean that a Pennsylvania Notary must perform the task.

Can a permanent resident stay in us only one week of the year?

Pernament resident, as the name tells you, is pernamently in US. They are not expected to move out of United States at all. Nevertheless, the legality status allows them to travel abroad, not for more than 6 month at a time, though.