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Q: What is more than forever?
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Will there be more than just 5 of the already out Hannah Montana forever episodes?

there will be more

How many 'Forever In A Day' albums were sold?

more than one.

How many people are employed at forever 21?

more than 10

If you were on a date with you favorite actor or actress husband or wife and they love you more than their real lover should you get away from them forever or what?

No you should stay with them forever. Cause they are your true lover if they love you more than there other lover. =P

Do tornadoes last forever?

No. Most tornadoes last no more than a few minutes.

What is more than one century?

millennium = 1,000 years eternity - forever your mom

What Lil Wayne album has Forever on it?

None. It's on the soundtrack of the movie "More Than A Game"

What abum is forever by drake Kanye West eminem lil wanye from?

More Than a Game

Can you use a forever stamp when the article that you are mailing weighs more than an ounce?

Yes, but you would need to put more postage on the article. The forever stamp only covers the first half ounce.

Is Forever 21 an American owned store?

Forever 21 is considered American owned (although more than 60% of its stuff is made in China). It is privately owned.

What album is forever on by drake?

the song is featured on the soundtrack to the LeBron James documentary More Than a Game & Eminem is releasing it on his next album.

When was Forever More - band - created?

Forever More - band - was created in 1969.