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Q: Can you choose any two points on a line to calculate the slope true or false?
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Is It doesn't matter which of the two points on a line you choose to call (x1 y1) and which you choose to call (x2 y2) to calculate the slope of the line True or false?


You can choose any two distinct points on a line to calculate the slope?


The slope of a line will depend on which of the two points you choose to call (x1 y1) and which you choose to call (x2 y2) when calculating the slope.?


Does it matter which of the two points of a line you choose to call x1 y1 and which you choose to call x2 y2 to calculate the slope of the line?


It doesn't matter which of the two points on a line you choose to call (x1 y1) and which you choose to call (x2 y2) to calculate the slope of the line.?

Slope of line: (y2 -y1)/(x2-x1)

It does not matter which of the two points of a line you choose to call x1 y1 and which you choose to call x2 y2 to calculate the slope of the line?

This is true as long as the slope of the line is constant, if it is a straight line and doesn't curve, then yes it doesn't matter which points are chosen.

What is the slope of the points (-3-1) and (3-2)?

Points: (-3, -1) and (3, -2) Slope: -1/6

How do you calculate the slope between two points?

The slope is calculated as: y1-y2/x1-x2 given two sets of points

What is the point-slope form for 3 7?

You need two points before you can calculate the slope.

If solving for the slope of the best fit line it is a good choice to choose the points closest to the line or points on the line. True False?

False. When solving for the slope of the best fit line, you should consider all data points in your dataset to find the line that best fits the overall trend. Choosing points closest to the line or on the line may bias your results and not accurately represent the relationship between the variables.

If given two points from a linear table of values how can you calculate the slope of the equation that was used to generate the table?

Choose two distinct points from the table and designate their coordinates as x1, y1 and x2, y2. The slope of the line then will equal (y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1).

How can you calculate a slope of graph?

Points: (x, y) and (x, y) Slope: y1-y2/x1-x2