Yes, you can. The method used - column multiplication - is exactly the same in both cases; you simply have the additional step of locating the decimal point.
They aren't. The rules are the same as those for adding/subtracting or multiplying integers. Just be careful of the decimal point's location.
why do they move the decimals when multiplying
Integers are whole numbers without fractions or decimals
They aren't. The rules are the same as those for adding/subtracting or multiplying integers. Just be careful of the decimal point's location.
multiplying: you multiply like normal then if the integers are the same you get positive, if they are different, you get negative; Ex) -5x-2=+10; -5x+2=-10
why do they move the decimals when multiplying
Fractions and decimals are usually rational numbers. Besides, multiplying rational and irrational numbers is also similar.
Integers are whole numbers without fractions or decimals
The set of integers is a subset of decimals. If it is all decimals, including infinite non-terminating ones, then it is the real numbers.
not fractions or decimals
Fractions, decimals and percents aren't integers
Integers are whole numbers that do not contain fractions or decimals
Integers are whole numbers without decimals or fractions.