They aren't. The rules are the same as those for adding/subtracting or multiplying integers. Just be careful of the decimal point's location.
In price tags, Doces of medicine, Taxes, Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying, Division, Averages, Measurments, Weight.
only when adding and subtracting
no answer
add them or subtract them, as appropriate!
adding subtracting multiplying and dividing
you only line the decimals up when you are subtracting or adding not when you are multiplying im not sure about division...
A calculator is used for adding, subtracting, dividing, multiplying, decimals, or fractions and is also used for a lot of other uses too.
In price tags, Doces of medicine, Taxes, Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying, Division, Averages, Measurments, Weight.
3rd. Adding Decimals 5th - Adding and subtracting 6th - Dividing Decimals
only when adding and subtracting
no answer
add them or subtract them, as appropriate!
adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing
Adding decimal same as adding whole numbers
Same as adding, multiplying, and dividing.