Yes, you can draw a circle through the four points of a trapezoid, because the four points of the trapezoid can be equidistant from one point, making that distance the radius.
If you want to, you can always draw a circle around an isosceles trapezoid and the radius can be half the base of the trapezoid.
A diameter is a line connecting any two points in a circle that passes through the centre of a circle. You can draw 1 diameter and divide the circle in half. You can draw 2 and divide it into 4 pieces or draw an infinite amount and divide it into infinite pieces.
draw a circle
Draw two diameters of the circle and join the points where they meet the circumference.
Construct a circle with a compass and then draw a straight line through its centre
If you want to, you can always draw a circle around an isosceles trapezoid and the radius can be half the base of the trapezoid.
Draw two parallel lines of unequal length, and connect their end points. If you have a right angle, it is a right trapezoid. If the non-parallel sides are equal in length, it is an isosceles trapezoid.
The hard part is form a right angle. To do that draw a line with two points on it. Draw a circle around each point. Draw a line through the two points at which the circles intersect.
A diameter is a line connecting any two points in a circle that passes through the centre of a circle. You can draw 1 diameter and divide the circle in half. You can draw 2 and divide it into 4 pieces or draw an infinite amount and divide it into infinite pieces.
draw a circle
Take any circle and draw a straight line through it anywhere so that the line intersects the circle at two distinct points. The segment between the two points on the circle is the chord. A diameter, that is, a line segment through the center, could be a chord. But any shorter segment drawn through the circle and intersecting the circle at those two distinct points is a chord. It's just that simple. Need a link? You'll find one below.
Construct a circle with a compass and then draw a straight line through its centre
Draw two diameters of the circle and join the points where they meet the circumference.
Two points can always be connected by one, and only one, straight line segment.In other words, two points always define a line.And since they defined it, they're both on it.
There may be an easier way, but this is one way to do it: 1) establish the centerpoint of the given circle. - pick two random points on the circle and draw intersecting arcs A1 A2 of equal radius centered on those points. Then draw a line through the two points where A1 and A2 intersect. This line will pass through the circle center. - repeat with two other points. You now have two lines that intersect at the circle centerpoint C. 2) draw a line perpendicular to the given line that passes through C. - draw an arc centered on C that intersects the given line twice. Repeat the bisecting procedure as before using those two intersection points. Call the newly created line L. 3) draw the desired tangent line. - call the point where L intersects the given circle P. (Note that there are actually two such points, since there are two solutions to your problem - one on the near side and one on the far side.) Generate two equidistant points on L by drawing a small circle centered on P. Use those new points for the old bisection procedure and you have your answer!
Draw a straight line that bisects the circle and passes through the center.
Keep compass the same size. Draw circle one. Draw circle two with the center on the edge of circle one. Draw circle three centered on one of the points of intersection between circle one and two. Now the area in between the all three circles where the points of circles intersect should join to make an equalateral triangle. Connect with your straight edge.