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Q: Can you draw equilateral polygon that is not equilangular?
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Polygon that is both equilateral and equilangular?

An equilateral triangle and a square.

What is a polygon that is both equilateral and equilangular called?

Equilateral and Equiangular triangle

Which polygon is equilangular and equilateral?

All regular polygons.

Can a polygon be equilangular but not equilateral?

A polygon can be equilateral but not always equiangular. Some examples of this are rhomboids and other polygons like pentagons and hexagons.

What does equilangular mean?

An equilangular polygon is a polygon who's angles are equal.

Which figure is not always equilangular?

An irregular polygon need not be equiangular.

Could you draw a picture of a regular 3 sided polygon?

An equilateral triangle. ►

If you draw 2 equilateral triangles that are congruent and share a side what polygon is formed is it a regular polygon?

it should make a square leaned over

Why is an equilateral polygon not necessarily a regular polygon?

A regular polygon must be equiangular as well as equilateral. A rhombus is an example of a polygon that is equilateral but not equiangular.

Is a square an equilateral polygon?

Yes, a square is an equilateral polygon

Can a regular polygon be equilateral?

a regular polygon is always equilateral

Does a eaquailateral triangle have all equal angles?

Yes I can't explain it through words easily, but I can help you visualize it. A triangle has to be equilangular and equilateral simultaneously. It can't have one property over the other, the reason for this is: In any way, shape, or form draw a square with side lengths of 2 units. Make this precise. Now, draw a rombus, with the exact same side lengths of the square. If you compare the two, all you basically did, was move the sides around/change the angle measures. With a triangle, you can't shift around the sides AT ALL (if you want, try making two equilateral triangles of different size. Can you change the angles without changing the side lengths?). Thus, triangles have to be equilateral AND equilangular. If you compare the two four sided shapes, you have now just proved that every polygon in existence with four or more sides can be equilateral, without being equilangular. However, the opossite does not work Try the above steps with ANY SHAPE that has more than four sides of the same length.