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Q: Can you drown in a inch of water?
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Can you drown in the shallow end?

Yes. You can drown in as little as one inch of water.

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You can drown in an inch of water

How deep does the water have to be before a small child could drown in it?

According to Wikipedia, people (including small children) have drowned in as little as 33 mm (1 inch) of water. Small children also can drown in toilets and buckets.

Can you drown in holy water?

Yes, you can drown in any water.

Can you drown in 6 inches of water?

Yes. If the nose and mouth are underwater, than the person can drown, no matter how little water there is. However, it is very unlikely to drown under this little water, unless the person is unconscious, being forced to stay, cannot move for some reason (such as a newborn too weak to turn over), or is trying to commit suicide.

Can a desert tortoise drown in water?

Yes, a tortoise can drown if the water is too deep.

How do you make a sentence with the word drown?

I was going to drown on the water.

Can you drown in water?

yes, because you can't breathe in water.

Does water kill some plants?

Of course it can, water can drown a plant just like it can drown a human

What do you need to do in water?

not drown

Will we drown in water?

Not necessarily.

Can you drown wasps?

Yes, wasps can drown if submerged in water for a certain period of time. However, attempting to drown wasps is not the most effective or ethical method of pest control. It is recommended to use other means to manage a wasp infestation.