It is prime because only 1 and 71 multiply together to get 71. No other whole numbers multiply to equal 71.
It depends if you have to use whole numbers or not - since you didn't specify that in the question ! 1x292, 2x146, 3x97.3334x73, 5x58.4 etc...
Multiply them together
4, if you multiply them.
Yes, any two whole numbers added together will equal a whole number.
It is prime because only 1 and 71 multiply together to get 71. No other whole numbers multiply to equal 71.
It depends if you have to use whole numbers or not - since you didn't specify that in the question ! 1x292, 2x146, 3x97.3334x73, 5x58.4 etc...
Multiply them together
4, if you multiply them.
Yes, any two whole numbers added together will equal a whole number.
Another whole number.Specifically, it's what you get when you multiply the 2 numbers together.
13 is a prime number, so the only 2 whole numbers that multiply to 13 are 13 and 1.
no whole numbers multiply to 53 except 1 and 53. 53 is prime
Whole numbers that are multiplied to get a product.