The 2 numbers that multiply together to equal 678 are 6 and 113.
When you multiply two prime numbers together they become factors of the number that they equal. Since the number will have factors other than 1 and itself, the number cannot be prime.
It is prime because only 1 and 71 multiply together to get 71. No other whole numbers multiply to equal 71.
6 and 42
The two numbers you can multiply together to equal 782 are 23 by 34.
The two numbers you multiply together to equal 391 are 17 by 23.
The 2 numbers that multiply together to equal 678 are 6 and 113.
16 and -3 are the numbers which gives -48 when multiplied and 13 when added
When you multiply two prime numbers together they become factors of the number that they equal. Since the number will have factors other than 1 and itself, the number cannot be prime.
The prime numbers that you multiply together to get 150 are 2, 3, 5, and 5.