August 3 is written as AVG. iij in Roman Calendar.
1888 consist of 13 MDCCCLXXXVIII
Nowadays it is the equivalent of: 8-10-1990
You'll find the possible answer in the question: What are the numbers from 1 to a 1000000 in Roman numerals?
The months in the Gregorian calendar that are represented by Roman numerals are September (IX), October (X), November (XI), and December (XII).
August 3 is written as AVG. iij in Roman Calendar.
Julian Calendar and the roman numerals
We find these numerals on things
1888 consist of 13 MDCCCLXXXVIII
Yes, sometimes pages are numbered in Roman numerals
Nowadays it is the equivalent of: 8-10-1990
You'll find the possible answer in the question: What are the numbers from 1 to a 1000000 in Roman numerals?
"MCM" is 1990 in Roman. The rest of the date doesn't translate well as the Roman calendar is not the same as our own.
A CLOCK has roman numerals! Not every clock has roman numerals but if you have kind an elegant clock or an old styled one you might have it! Another place you might find roman numerals are on sheet music, where chords may be indicated with roman numerals.