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Q: Can you get out early for good behavior if you only have to serve 3 months?
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Why do people cross their legs?

It is considered a form of good manners and shows that one is not given to slovenly behavior.

How do you get past 6 months?

last 6 months was good because i learn lot of things from my superior as well as friends and i learn how to improve knowledge and our self.

What were the activities and responsibilities in the early church?

The primary responsibility of the early Christians was to spread the Good News about Jesus and salvation. Deb The main responsibility of the early church was to spread the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ and to help those who became Believers to grow in their faith. Deb

How many months is 66 days?

It is 2 months and 5 or 6 days. A month is not a set number of days, although the average is 30.42 days (based on a calendar year) and 30.44 (based on a Julian year of 365.25 days). ------------------------------------------------ The exact number of months depends upon which months those 66 days cover. Based on: 1 year = 12 months 1 year = 365.25 days → 12 months = 365.23 days → 1 month = 365.25/12 days on average. → 66 days = 66 ÷ 365.23/12 months = 66 × 12/365.25 months = 2 82/487 months (= 2 months 5⅛ days) ≈ 2.17 months ≈ 2 months 5.13 days (So the original answer of 2 months 5 or 6 days is a good estimate.)

26 weeks is how many months?

It's about 6 months...if you multiply 26 times 7 that equals 182. Then you divide by 30 and get 6.0666666...7. It all depends on what month you start at and how many days are in the month, but that is a good estimate.

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How much time does a first offense federal inmate have to serve on a 54 month sentence?

It will serve a total of 49 months unless there is a program that will help thatched inmate qualify for early release or if the inmate qualify for 6 months in a half way house and can be dismissed before his 6 months for good behavior. It is good to cheek for any possibility of early release there is a lots of programs that we don't know about of course all is depending on etched type of felony

If someone is sentenced to 6 months in jail for domestic violence Do they have to serve the full 6 months or are they entitled to a shorter amount of time?

Their sentence was 6 months. They are not ENTITLED to shorter time, but may EARN it by good behavior.

Can prisoners do 65 percent of their time?

Prisoners can be released early for good behavior, but it depends on the crime itself. If it was murder, you have to serve the full time. If it was something like shoplifting, there is the possibility of being let out early.

How much time do you serve on a 5 year sentence in Michigan state prison?

In Michigan, inmates typically serve at least 85% of their sentence for good behavior and participation in rehabilitation programs. Therefore, on a 5-year sentence, an inmate would likely serve around 4 years and 3 months.

How much time do you serve on a 47 month sentence in federal prison?

Well its 80% of the time to be served,but if the inmate qualifies for the halfway house,he is looking at about 24 to 30 months.

In the UK if you got 12 months in prison how much would you serve?

about 9 month with good behavior, sometimes even less now with the overcrowding the government are letting prisoners home earlier on tag.

How long do you serve on a 5 year sentence drug charge in Iowa?

40% if you have good behavior.

What is a good sentence for jeweler?

The jeweler is very skillful at making jewelery. About 6 months with time off for good behavior.

What do the supreme court justices serve for?

They serve for life

Are baby walkers good to have for 12 months old?

It is too early and i say no.

How long will you serve for a 4 year sentence for a violation of probation on a non violant felony sentence in Texas?

Between 15-24 months for good behavior, generally 1/3 to 1/2 the sentenced time if its non violant probation violation.

According to the US Constitution judges may only serve as long as they exhibit what feature written laws?

Good behavior