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Q: Can you give 5 qualitative observations in science?
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Would you give 5 more examples of qualitative and quantitative observations?

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Could you give at least 5 example quantitative qualitative observation?

Sure. Quantitative observations: Measuring the temperature of water, counting the number of leaves on a plant, recording the weight of an object, timing how long it takes for a pendulum to swing, measuring the length of a book. Qualitative observations: Describing the color of a flower, noting the smell of freshly baked bread, observing the texture of a rock, listening to the sound of chirping birds, feeling the softness of a cotton fabric.

Give 5 example qualitative and 5 quantitative observations in science?

Quantitative observations: measuring the pH of a solution, counting the number of flower petals, recording the temperature of a substance, calculating the mass of an object, determining the length of a plant stem. Qualitative observations: describing the color of a mineral sample, noting the texture of a material, identifying the smell of a chemical compound, observing the shape of a crystal, categorizing the behavior of an organism.

Can you give 5 qualitative and 5 quantitative observations in science?

Qualitative observations: The flower is red in color. The liquid has a strong odor. The rock feels rough to the touch. The sound is very loud. The material is flexible. Quantitative observations: The temperature is 25 degrees Celsius. The weight of the object is 10 grams. The volume of the liquid is 50 milliliters. The velocity of the car is 50 kilometers per hour. The pH level of the solution is 4.

Give 5 examples of qualitative and quantitative observations?

EXAMPLE: Painting Qualitative: Blue Paint, Gold Frame, Smells Musty, Texture Shows Oils were Used, Scene of boats on a river Quantitative: Cost is $300, Weighs 8.9 lbs, Painting is 10" by 14", Frame is 14" by 18", Surface Area is 140 Sq. In. (Qualitative deals with descriptions and can be observed but not measured. Quality. Quantitative deals with numbers and can be measured. Quantity.)

If the candy was sour is it qualitative or a quantative?


Can you use the word qualitative observation in a sentence?

hi wasup wat u up to howz life well basicly a sentence for qualitative observations is he observed the business wth some qualitive obsevations thanks safe loaterz everybody laterz

List 5 examples of qualitative?

5 examples of qualitative

What is the differerance between qualitative and quanitative observations?

Qualitative comes from quality so you would for example observe features or the quality of the object. Quantitative comes from quantity so you describe the object using the metric system. ex. 5 inch. wide

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What is the 5 senses of the qualitative observation?

Give one example of an observation that you could make with your 5 senses.