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Q: Would you give 5 more examples of qualitative and quantitative observations?
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What the difference between qualitative and quantitative observations?

Quantitative observations are the data collected in an experiment, mostly numbers. Qualitative observations would usually include written answers to analysis questions.

What is the main difference between qualitative and quantitative?

A qualitative observation has to do with things you can't count, "The fish has black scales" is a qualitative observation. A quantitative observation has to do with things you can count, "The fish has 125 scales" is a quantitative observation. You can combine these two, an example would be "The fish has 125 black scales."

Would you give 10 examples of qualitative and quantitative observation?


What are quantitative measurements?

Quantitative measurements are those which involve the collection of numbers. It is the opposite of qualitative data which are observations. For example, if you were interested in looking at height. Quantitative measurements would be taking an accurate measurement of everyone. Qualitative data would be looking at the person and putting them into a category of 'tall,' 'medium,' 'short.'

What tools are used for quantitative observations?

Tools commonly used for quantitative observations include measuring instruments such as rulers, tape measures, thermometers, balances, and timers. Additionally, data collection devices like sensors and data loggers are used to collect precise numerical data for quantitative analysis.

What are kinds of observation?

There are two types of observation. There is what is referred to as the qualitative observation and what is referred to as quantitative observation. Qualitative observations do not deal with numbers, but rather details of an experiment per se. An example would be how a precipitate looks that was formed from a reaction. Quantitative observations deal with numbers; an example would be the amount of a substance (in grams) formed from a completed reaction.

What are the differences between quantitative and qualitative techinque?

Quantitative means that it is concerned with how much. Qualitative means that it is only concerned with the kind. And example of quantitative would be the number of trees in a park, and an example of qualitative would be whether you have blue eyes or brown eyes.

What is the difference between quantitative and qualitative research discuss?

Qualitative is the senses determining the value of information, such as "variable x was much bigger and hotter than variable y", while quantitative is the exact measurements, such as "variable x was 72 degrees hotter and 15 cubic inches bigger than variable y"

What is the difference in quantative data and descriptive data?

There are two main methods of research. These are quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Quantitative methods are based on numbers. that is statistics, measurements, values and calculations. Qualitative observes behaviors, visual characteristics and behaviors of what is/are being investigated. For example the Doppler Shift has qualitative characteristics of color (blue versus red shift). Quantitative aspects of the Doppler Shift of space objects would be their velocity, age, and compositions by percent.

What is the differerance between qualitative and quanitative observations?

Qualitative comes from quality so you would for example observe features or the quality of the object. Quantitative comes from quantity so you describe the object using the metric system. ex. 5 inch. wide

Difference between quantitative and quantitative data?

If you mean qualitative and quantitative data, then data would be dealing with numbers to describe a statistical analysis whereas qualitative represents things that cannot be expressed as numbers such as color.

Can you use the word qualitative observation in a sentence?

hi wasup wat u up to howz life well basicly a sentence for qualitative observations is he observed the business wth some qualitive obsevations thanks safe loaterz everybody laterz