You divide the numerator (top) by the GCF to give you the numerator for the reduced fraction. You divide the denominator (bottom) by the GCF to give you the denominator of the reduced fraction. DONE! For example, 27/45 GCF(27, 45) = 9 Numerator of reduced fraction = 27/9 = 3 Denominator of reduced fraction = 45/9 = 5 So reduced fraction = 3/5
If the numerator is less than the denominator then it is a common fraction as for example 3/4 and if the numerator is greater than the denominator then it is an improper fraction as for example 6/4
The terms of a fraction are 'Numerator' and 'Denominator.' The numerator is the number atop the dividing line, the denominator is that on the bottom. For example, in 5/7, five is the numerator, and seven is the denominator.
1=i, 5=v, 10=x.
If you want to change it to a mixed number, then divide the numerator by the denominator. The remainder is left as the numerator. For example: 6/5 = 1 1/5
You divide the numerator (top) by the GCF to give you the numerator for the reduced fraction. You divide the denominator (bottom) by the GCF to give you the denominator of the reduced fraction. DONE! For example, 27/45 GCF(27, 45) = 9 Numerator of reduced fraction = 27/9 = 3 Denominator of reduced fraction = 45/9 = 5 So reduced fraction = 3/5
If the numerator is less than the denominator then it is a common fraction as for example 3/4 and if the numerator is greater than the denominator then it is an improper fraction as for example 6/4
It is the top part of a fraction as for example in the fraction 3/4 the numerator is 3 and the denominator is 4
If the numerator is greater than the denominator then it is an improper fraction as for example 5/3 but if the numerator is less than the denominator then it is a common fraction as for example 3/4
The numerator is the number on the top of a fraction, for example, in the fraction 1/2 (one half), the numerator is 1. The denominator of 1/2 is 2.
A whole fraction is when the numerator is the same as the denominator as for example 3/3 = 1 A common fraction is when the numerator is less than the denominator as for example 4/5 An improper fraction is when the numerator is greater than the denominator as for example 7/2
The terms of a fraction are 'Numerator' and 'Denominator.' The numerator is the number atop the dividing line, the denominator is that on the bottom. For example, in 5/7, five is the numerator, and seven is the denominator.
1=i, 5=v, 10=x.
A fraction has a numerator set above its denominator If the numerator is less than the denominator then it is a common fraction as for example 3/4 which as a decimal is 0.75 If the numerator is greater than the denominator then it is an improper fraction as for example 5/4 which as a decimal is 1.25
If you want to change it to a mixed number, then divide the numerator by the denominator. The remainder is left as the numerator. For example: 6/5 = 1 1/5
If you wish to multiply a fraction (numerator and denominator) by a number, you multiply the numerator by the number and leave the denominator as it was. For example, 2/3 * 4 = 8/3