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Q: Can you give me five example of categorical data?
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What is data accessibility and give an example?

Data flexibility is a quality characteristic.

Give an example of quantitative data?

Quantitative data deals with numbers. It is data that can be measured. An example of this is: 51% of the world's population is female.

Can you give you some examples of categorical data?

Race, Sex, Age group, education level, hair color... Good examples but we might elaborate: we may give categories names. Take for example the variable, hair color. We might name each of the categories like this: red, blonde, black, etc. In this case we would have nominal categorical variables. Further we can think or categorical variables as being ordered such as income level: high, medium, low, very low or socioeconomic class: low, middle, high. These are called ordinal categorical variables because they represent levels and are grouped in levels say from high to low. As another example you might group temperature levels (categories) as cold, cool, warm and hot. So you have nominal categorical variables and ordinal categorical variables. We like to put things into categories. We have classrooms, offices, addresses, etc. We have grade levels in school. What type of categorical variables is "grade"? I graduated from the 3rd grade but my father graduated from the sixth grade. Who has the highest level of education? Why do we categorize things in the world? We group things so we can make sense of the diversity around us. We catgorize animals into species; we even name people when they are born. Is a person's name a variable? Sure is! It's nominal variable. Why is a person's name a variable? Because name changes or varies from person to person. What about the number of people in a classroom. Is that a categorical variable?name of the school

Give five example of constant and variable?

pi, e, phi, 1,2,3,4, etc.

What is statistics and data?

Statistics are values that give information about a group. For example, 60% of teens in the US graduate high school is a statistic because it gives a number, 60%, to tell information about a group of people, teenagers. (This statistic was made up for an example). Data is the information collected to formulate that statistic. Using the previous example, the data would be the numbers recorded of teens that graduate throughout the US to come up with 60%. Data develops a statistic, and a statistic provides information about a specific topic.