Quantitative data deals with numbers. It is data that can be measured. An example of this is: 51% of the world's population is female.
An example of quantitative data would be the number of people born in 1 hour.
Quantitative data is Information that can be expressed in numerical terms, counted, or compared on a scale. An example of a quantitative data is: 'the number of 911 calls received in a month'.
Length and weight, for example.
There is three gummy bears.
Qualitative and quantitative data are both 2 important types of data. Qualitative data is data based on observation and description. An easy way to remember this, Qualitative ---> QUALity. Examples of qualitative data are when you record colors, smells, textures, etc... Quantitative data is based on numerical values. An easy way to remember this, Quantitative ---> QUANTity. An example of quantitative data are any type of numerical values.
An example of quantitative data would be the number of people born in 1 hour.
Quantitative data is Information that can be expressed in numerical terms, counted, or compared on a scale. An example of a quantitative data is: 'the number of 911 calls received in a month'.
An example of quantitative data: A man is stocking a lemonade stand. He has 40 lemons. They are 5 inches tall. This is quantitative data, using numbers to describe an object whilst QUALITATIVE data is when you OBSERVE, such as: The lemons are yellow and bumpy. They are also sour.
An example of quantitative research in sociology would be a study that collects numerical data through surveys or experiments to analyze trends in social behavior. For instance, a researcher may conduct a survey to examine the relationship between income level and voting patterns in an election.
Length and weight, for example.
There is three gummy bears.
don't you mean quantitative data and qualitative data?
Qualitative and quantitative data are both 2 important types of data. Qualitative data is data based on observation and description. An easy way to remember this, Qualitative ---> QUALity. Examples of qualitative data are when you record colors, smells, textures, etc... Quantitative data is based on numerical values. An easy way to remember this, Quantitative ---> QUANTity. An example of quantitative data are any type of numerical values.
Shoe SizeHeightWeightAge
Quantitative data expresses information about quantities so that the information can be written down in numbers. Things like height and shoe size for example
Any type of analysis that deals with numeric data (numbers) is quantitative analysis. Qualitative analysis, on the other hand, does not have numeric data ( for example, classify people according to religion).
quantitative data is the characteristics obtained from an experiment usually the best way to collect quantitative data is to observe your subject.