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The answer is i really don't know lol ask your family members ^^ lol


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Q: Can you give some examples of numerical data?
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Qualitative and quantitative examples?

Qualitative properties are properties that are observed and can generally not be measured with a numerical result. They are contrasted to quantitative properties which have numerical characteristics.

What is a set of numerical data?

In statistics numerical data is quantitative rather than qualitative.

What is a numerical progression and what are some examples of one?

A numerical progression is a sequence of numbers displayed a predictable pattern.

What are some examples of different kinds of data that computers can process?

The kinds of data that computers can process is endless. Computers can process numerical data, statistical information and lists of things. With the use of data management or database software many types of data can be combined together to reach different outcomes.

Which is a type of data?

There are several different types of data. Some include qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative is data that is not numeric and quantitative data is numerical.

How does a computer store data Give some examples?

Computers store working data in RAM. Computers store long term data on hard drives.

Numerical or verbal descriptions that usually result from measurements of some sort are known as?


What information do you need to create a graph?

You need numerical data on some characteristic of a population.

What is the best graph for numerical information?

The best graph for numerical information will depend on what you want to present. The linear graph, bar and the pie graph are some of the best graphs to present numerical data.

What are some of the examples of information system?

data base

Can you give some examples of constellation?

Sure! Some examples of constellations are Orion, Ursa Major, Scorpius, and Cassiopeia. These are patterns of stars that have been recognized and named by various cultures throughout history.

Advantages and disadvantages of direct numerical controls?

Some advantages to direct numerical controls includes that it improves the available memory and it stores the data elsewhere but can send it directly to the machine. A disadvantage includes the possibility of hackers getting to the data since it is stored somewhere else.