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void main()


int area,radius;


printf("enter the radius");



printf("the ans is ",area);

printf("the radius is ",radius)



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Q: Can you give us a example program of to read the radius of a circle and to evaluate its area in turbo C?
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C program on how to calculate circumference of a circle?

int radius = 2; int output; radius = radius * 2; output = radius * Math.PI; Console.WriteLine(output);

Write a program to calculate the area of a circle The equation to determine the area of a circle is area equals 3.1416radiusradius Assume that the circle has a radius of 4 inches?

Rewrite the above program so that the program accepts any value for the radius then recalculate the area of the circle.

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A radius of a circle is half the diameter.

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A radius is a line drawn from the centre of a circle to the edge of that circle. It is half the length of the diameter of the circle.

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A radius is half of a diameter. Example Diameter:4 Radius:2

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Define radius of a circle?

In order to fully understand what the radius of a given circle is, you must know the diameter. The diameter is the distance across the circle through the center. The radius of a circle is half the diameter. For example, if the diameter of a circle is 8 inches, then the radius would be 4 inches.

How do you find the cirumference of a circle?

It depends on what information you do have about the circle. For example, circumference = 2*pi*radius.

How is radius used in a sentence?

The radius of a circle is the distance from the center to any point on the circle's perimeter. For example, &quot;The garden had a circular fountain with a radius of five feet.&quot;

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An example of a square kilometer?

A circle with radius 1/sqrt(pi) is one example.