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Area of any circle = pi*radius squared

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Q: Write missing expression in the program below which would print the area of circle r int input Enter the circle radius?
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If a circle has a radius of 42 meters what expression can be used to find the radius?

If the radius is 42 meters, then you already know the radius.

C program on how to calculate circumference of a circle?

int radius = 2; int output; radius = radius * 2; output = radius * Math.PI; Console.WriteLine(output);

Write a program to calculate the area of a circle The equation to determine the area of a circle is area equals 3.1416radiusradius Assume that the circle has a radius of 4 inches?

Rewrite the above program so that the program accepts any value for the radius then recalculate the area of the circle.

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The circumference is 2 x pi x radius.

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This is an expression, not an equation. Expressions cannot be solved.

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It is: diameter/2 = 6 cm

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What is half of a diameter of a circle called?

The radius of the circle.

What is the area of a 6.2 radius circle?

The area of a circle is given by the formula A = πr^2, where A represents the area and r represents the radius. Plugging in the given radius of 6.2 into the formula, we have A = π(6.2)^2. Evaluating this expression gives an area of approximately 120.79 square units.

Wha is the radius of a circle?

The radius of a circle is half the circle's diameter

What is the radius of a circle where d is the diameter of the circle?

the radius of a circle is r