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Q: Can you have a negative number for percent deviation?
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Can average deviation be negative?

No, average deviation cannot be negative. Deviation is a representation of differences between numbers. A difference is always an absolute value, so the number cannot be negative (even though subtracting the deviation from an average may result in a a negative result).

What is percent deviation?

Percent deviation is a measure of how much a value deviates, or differs, from a standard or expected value. It is calculated by taking the absolute difference between the measured value and the standard value, dividing by the standard value, and then multiplying by 100 to express it as a percentage.

Can standard deviation be a negative?

No. Standard deviation is the square root of a non-negative number (the variance) and as such has to be at least zero. Please see the related links for a definition of standard deviation and some examples.

What can cause standard deviation to be negative?

Standard deviation can never be negative.

What does a negative deviation mean?

A negative deviation means that the observation is smaller than whatever it is that the deviation is being measured from.

Can standard deviation and variance be negative?

No. Neither the standard deviation nor the variance can ever be negative.

Can standard deviation assume a negative value?

No. It is defined to be the positive square root of ((the sum squared deviation divided by (the number of observations less one))

How do you find percent deviation?

to find percent deviation you divide the average deviation into the mean then multiply by 100% . to get the average deviation you must subtract the mean from a measured value.

Is it possible for a standard deviation to be negative?

no it is not possible because you have to take the square of error that is (x-X)2. the square of any number is always positive----------Improved answer:It is not possible to have a negative standard deviation because:SD (standard deviation) is equal to the square of V (variance).

When the first number is greater than the second number the percent of change negative but is it right?

If the percent of change is negative, then it is wrong.

Would the mean and standard deviation be negative if the set has only negative values?

The mean would be negative, but standard deviation is always positive.

Are percent deviation and percent error the same?
