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If the numerator of the fraction is an even number then the negative number is multiplied by itself an even number of times and becomes a positive number.

The denominator value then determines the nth root that is required of the above positive number.

Example. (-5)^2/3 = [(-5)2]^1/3 = 25^1/3 = 2.924 (3dp)

When the numerator is a negative number then the original negative number remains negative but of a different value (unless we are dealing with -1).

The denominator determines the nth root of a negative number which introduces the mathematical concept that, √-1 = i or i² = -1.

Example. ( -3)^3/4 = [(-3)3]^1/4 = -9^1/4 = (9 x -1)^1/4 = 1.732 ⁴√-1

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Q: Can you have a negative number multiplied by an exponent that is a fraction?
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The index or the exponent - but only if it is a non-negative integer.

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An exponent.

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the exponent