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Q: Can you have more than one cube root?
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The cube root of this number is one more than the smallest prime?

The cube root of this number is one more than the smallest prime

Can a number have more than one cube root?


The cube root of this is one more than the smallest prime?

The smallest prime is 2. One more than the smallest prime is 2+1=3. The cube root of 27 is 3 (because 3*3*3=27). So the answer is 27.

What are three equal factors of a number?

One of them would be the cube root.

How many dimensions does a cube root as a perfect cube have?

A cube root of a perfect cube has only one dimension. A perfect cube is a number that can be obtained by multiplying an integer by itself three times. Taking the cube root of a perfect cube will give you the original integer value, effectively reducing the dimensionality back to one.

What is the cube root of volume of cube?

The volume of a cube is determined by cubing the length of one edge, so the cube root of the volume will give you the length of an edge. (In a cube, all of the edges are the same length)

What is the abbreviation for cube root?

"cbrt" is acceptable abbreviation of cube root, although it is much easier to write "^(1/3)", which is the one-third power, or the cube root. They are mathematically identical.

What is the side length of a cube?

Answer in short: cube root of volume. Side length of a cube is the cube root of the volume of the cube or the square root of the area of one of its sides. Examples: A cube of volume 64 has a side length of 4, and a side area of 16. A cube is a symmetrical three dimensional object.

Does the faces of a cube have more than one face?


How do you find the cube root on a caculator?

Do the number ^ (1/3). The number to the one-third power. It's the same as the cube root of the number.

What is the of cube root of one?

The cube root of 1 will also be 1. You can check with the complementary operation: 1*1*1=1 (true).

What 2-digit number is one more than a square and one less than a cube?