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Q: Can you list all the possible arrangements of the letters N O and T?
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I can't remember what the word for that is called specifically, but I know there are sites out there can can help you, that computes a list of all the possibilities that the letters can be arranged. Anagram

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There are 4 letters in IOWA, all non repeating. Arrangements are 4! or 24.

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the arrangements occur. if there are two of the same letter then 12 all different letters then 24 three letters the same then 5 four letters the same then 1

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There are 13 letters in "the world topic". This includes 2 ts and 2 os. Therefore there are 13!/[2!*2!] = 1556755200 different arrangements.

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There are 216 possible outcomes and I do not have the time or inclination to list them all. But you can try all the ordered triplets of the form (x, y, z) where each of the letters can take any of the integer values from 1 to 6 (inclusive).

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Assuming you don't repeat letters:* 7 options for the first letter * 6 options for the second letter * 5 options for the third letter * 4 options for the fourth letter (Multiply all of the above together.)